Reliable Heater Repair in Wake Forest, NC

When your heater fails to keep your house warm, schedule heater repairs as soon as possible. Call us at 919-528-4333 for appointments in Wake Forest and throughout Wake, Durham, Granville, and Fraklin Counties.

Do you need heater maintenance, heater tune-ups, or repairs? It’s essential to schedule professional services. Call our furnace contractors at Air Works Heating & Air for appointments in Wake Forest, NC. Our technicians can accurately inspect your system and get it up and running quickly. When you book an appointment with us, we offer a 1-year warranty on parts and labor so you can rest assured.

When to Worry About Heater Noises

Does your heater make odd noises? While some sounds can be normal, there are some noises that can signal a problem – especially if it’s a noise you haven’t heard before.

One reason for odd noises can be vibrations. These can be due to a restricted fan. Symptoms that can indicate a larger problem can include if you hear rattles, squeaks, humming, or loud booms and bangs. When you hear odd noises coming from your heater, call Air Works Heating & Air – the top local heating service company in Wake Forest, NC.

When you need a furnace replacement, call us to learn about our furnace installation services in Wake County.